How to Submit
You can get in contact with me at or by following me on Twitter or BlueSky.
I am currently open to submissions!
Please submit your manuscript through QueryManager ( For fiction manuscripts, please include a brief query letter, the first 20 pages of your manuscript, and a synopsis. For nonfiction, please include a complete sample chapter as well as the full proposal.
I am to respond to all queries within 12 weeks. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide detailed feedback on submissions. This is due purely to time constraints and the volume of queries I receive. It is in no way a reflection on the hard work and effort you have put into your writing.
I want you to find the best home possible for your book, so don't feel like you need to submit exclusively to me. Find other agents who you think will represent you well too. (However, please do not submit simultaneously to other Olswanger Literary agents. If you receive a pass from one of us, you are welcome to submit to another.)
Please query me with projects I will represent. If you have multiple projects you are querying, consider which one you think might be best suited to my MSWL.
Personal bios in your query letter are encouraged! I enjoy knowing the person whose work I am reading.
There are some great resources out there to help you write a great query letter and learn more about the writing and querying process! I recommend taking a look at:
Manuscript Wishlist's website and also their podcast, The Manuscript Academy
The Shit No One Tells You About Writing podcast